Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm back! It was such a joy to serve the people in Guatemala, and I can not express my appreciation enough. Your prayer and financial support made this trip such a success. Over 4000 Guatemalans surrendered their life to Christ. He was working in so many ways in so many people. I know that I will Never be the Same. God has broken my heart for these people. I feel called by Him to sometime in the future back and do even more. My personal faith and walk with God has changed so tremendously, I don't know where to begin. there is such a power in God's name. Prayer is a huge tool. God hears the cry of the opressed, and He does answer, and that's through us, His people. (Exodus 3:7-8)

At the beginning of the trip, our leader asked us what our expectations were. This past Saturday, he asked us if they were met, and then asked us why. I thought about me personally, and here are my reasons:

~I had a clean heart before God
~I was willing to do what He asked
~I was expecting him to do it

Then again, I wrote down last night what it would take for me to Never be the Same.

~To share the power of being in the body of Christ - - the love, bondage, accountability, trust, passion, and dedication.
~To show the love of Christ, and help others to tear through their struggles.
~To live and understand the power of prayer and faith.
~To live what I believe.
~To keep my eyes open, and not to pretend that I don't know what to do.
~To be about what God's about.
~To be obedient to what God has shown me.
~To repent, turn around, and believe.

Thank you all again for helping me get to Guatemala, and for carrying me through with prayer. I can't wait to get home next week and share my stories!

Much love,


Unknown said...

So... it's a really small world. There's a girl at my church (of about fifty people) who was apparently one of the girls on your team. Her name is Kathy Stokavoz. Isn't that bizarre? I've been reading your blog for several months now, totally unaware that one of my friends from church was going on the same mission trip and would be on the same team as you. She played the clown in that skit; it wasn't until she mentioned the skit and I recognized the name that I realized it was the same mission trip.

Liberty said...

Wow! That is so incredible! I love Kathy! Tell her I said hi! I was on the same team as well. Team 10!

a u b r e y said...

ba hahah. yeah she told me about that. i think thats great. kathy was such an amazing friend!