Monday, April 20, 2009


sorry its been a while since I've posted something. that's because i thought i had nothing to post, but when i talked to my mom, she gave me a few ideas. so for those of you who have been asking me why i haven't been posting (hi grandma!!), here ya go.

i have read 2 books: "rock your world" by Susie shellenberger, and "how to prepare for short-term missions" by Anne-Geri Fann (Sp?), and i am currently reading a book called "do hard things" by Brett and Alex Harris, that wasn't required for the trip, but its been suggested by a few people, so i got that too.

what I've learned from those books, is that I'm not ready to go to Guatemala in 69 days. that's right. i said I'm not ready. i will be straight up honest and just say that my focus isn't completely on god. that my reasons for going aren't correct. and i know that's a problem. and I'm working on it...but this doesn't just happen in a day, it takes time.

I've also begun running a mile everyday....well everyday that its not raining...which is quite often, with it being April...

i have been making those bracelets, well OK. since basically yesterday. but i have over 30 now so ha. I've just been crazy busy, and haven't straightened out my priorities..but I'm working on that too, and so I've been cranking those thingies out like mad. :)
(I'm actually making one now as I pause to think about what to write next)

so, those are the updates I can think about writing about now, and again, I apologize for not being more consistent about posting, (grandma) :)
