Saturday, July 11, 2009

How Great is Our God? He's Huge!

Hey. I thought I would write a post going into details that I haven't said yet. First, you would be surprised on how modern Guatemala is. All the pleasures of the U.S.: McDonalds, Chuck-E-Cheese, and some of the same clothing brands as us, Abercrombie, Etc. The Latinos will typically wear more modern clothing, while Guatemalans of Mayan descent will wear the more traditional clothing.
Even among the beauty, though, there is poverty. We have been sheltered from most of the worst of it, but what we have seen is still moving. I feel like I am now accountable for what I have witnessed, and that now that my eyes have been opened, I can't pretend I don't know what to do. The people here aren't always lucky to get a nice job at a market-store or at a restaurant. Most sell things that they only know how to make, and how much they eat that night depends on how much they sold. I have seen kids as young as 4 and as old as 87 working in the fields. These people have to work all the time just to put food on the table and provide for their families.
We have been doing most of our ministry days in Antigua, not Guatemala City. Guatemala though, is absolutely beautiful. Mountains and volcanoes are visible from every angle. The colors of the crumbling houses, the sky, traditional clothing, it's all so beautiful.

Ok, back to Luis. I feel so blessed to have such a huge roll in a child of God's life. He is so special to me, and his mother is such a nice lady. Every time that things might have been tough, I think of him. It is such an honor to sponsor him. When it was time for him to go, he left and came back to give me "one more hug" 5 times! !t was adorable.

On July 9th, Thursday, we went to a soup kitchen. After we did our drama, my roommate Leah shared her testimony. I just remember sitting there on the ground, and seeing a blind man sitting down at a table,then asking God to do something huge. I clearly heard Him say to me, "Shh. Aubrey, don't worry. I've got it all under control. Just watch and be willing to let me use you." Whoa. Uh, ok God, Uhm. Thanks.

We went into the crowd and prayed with people, and gave them hope to break through their addictions. My teammate Rebecca came soon up to me, extatic, telling me that she had just prayed with a man to accept Christ, and he gave up his addiction of alcohol...20 years!!! I thought that was exactly the things God would be doing that day..but no...

Soon after, quite randomly, the first lady of Guatemala showed up. That was huge. There was so much publicity, it was unbelievable. She thanked us for what we were doing, and invited us to the palace to give us a ceremony to name us Ambassadors of Guatemala. UNHEARD OF.
My teammate Abby, whispered to me, "I wonder if she's saved." We paused, then wide-eyed, I said, "That would be HUGE!!!
(the word huge was said a lot that day)

So I tapped on the translator's shoulder in front of me, and asked him. "I don't know." he replied, as he shoved me right in front of her. She saw me and said hello, (she spoke English, but was speaking Spanish for the TV crews) and some random divine courage dwelled up in me as I point blank asked her if she had ever accepted Christ into her life.
She paused for a moment, then said, "Well, I'm Catholic, and my husband is Mayan." (witchcraft.)

I then held out both hands and asked to pray with her. The Holy spirit filled me up and gave me the words to say. 6 cameras were on me. I was a nervous wreck but I prayed with the first lady of Guatemala.
(The only way I can say this is me, is by pointing out the green fingernails...if you know me, you know I always have crazy nails...)
I thought that was it. Thats all God wanted me to do. But no. He was showing off. He brought another tv crew in, and and the same translator came up and pushed me in front of it. With my friends supporting me, I prayed for Guatemala there. (but wait, theres more)

Two radio stations showed up, and he pushed me there too.
Can I just say that we serve an awesome God?!
After that, I was crying, and shaking, I was just so overjoyed. Our God is HUGE.
The translator came up to me and said:
"I feel God is leading me to tell you this. You will be used to do bigger things than this still. You are proving that you have the faith. Well done."

Yesterday, we had a 3 1/2 hour bus ride and a 45 minute ferry ride (both ways) to go to a small village, and do our drama. We did, and many came to know Christ. My face got a little sunburnt, I was sitting on the top of the ferry, but it was worth it: I got an amazing view of God's creation.

How great is our God? He's Huge.


Anonymous said...

AWESOME! I am so proud of this team. You are doing a great work.
Thanks for being willing servants to our Great King!
Kari Davidson (Liberty's Mom)

Anonymous said...

Aubrey, You are HUGE! You are finding what the beginning of possibilities are, because you allow yourself to. Great things can happen ( even miracles) if you believe that they can! There will be lots of tests in your may not to be able to hold up to all of them..few people ever have...just remember what we have talked about since you were a "little" girl..."ALWAYS DO YOUR BEST" ...IT WON'T ALWAYS TURN OUT THE WAY THAT YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO, But chances are that you (with your faith)will bring a lot of goodness to peoples lives. We're very proud of you!
Lucy and G'pa

MyAwesomeOliveShoots said...

I've got goosebumps running up and down my legs! Seriously, they are standing on end! If the Lord can use you at this young age, sister, you better hang on because He has even bigger plans! Who would have ever imagined that YOU would be praying for the First Lady of Guatemala? As you prepare to leave and go home, know that the transition is difficult. You have seen and done things most people will not understand. I am really proud of you, you sound like an amazing young lady!

Serve boldly and thank you for reaching out to Aaron. It was so nice to hear from him.

With love,

Mrs. W-H

LightBulb_88 said...

Hi Aubrey - you probably don't remember me but I'm your "Cousy" (as you used to call me when you were little) from Australia. Your mum's aunt Renee is my mum. Anyway, mum told me about all you'd been doing and this blog and it's been amazing to read and to hear about what God's been doing through you! I've been a Christian for 4 yrs now and I'm going on the mission field next year too and you're the only other Christian I know of in our family so that's great!!! May God keep using you and blessing you in all you do! Danielle.

a u b r e y said...

Hey Cousy!
Of course I remember you...old memories, but I do! Wow! How awesome is that?! I am so glad to hear about your faith, and your heart for missions too! Yeah, as far as I know, it is just my household family, and you now that are the only saved ones in our family, but we still continue to keep them in our prayers. Sorry for the late reply on your comment, I havent been on here for a while! I added you on facebook too C: