Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hey everyone, this is only my second post ever but I would like to share a short story about the things God has been doing to prepare me for the trip. Ever since last summer,I have really felt a call from God to start a Bible study at my school. I go to a private christian school and we don't have one Bible study going on(sad, I know). So this past quarter, I got together with a few friends who had the same calling from God and we successfully started a Bible study on Wednesdays at lunch. Sometimes we have 30 people come. Only a movement of God could have brought out such a response. I praise God everyday for what he is doing at my school. Secondly, God has given others in my school the same zeal and passion for a revival. A prayer group has started and at seven, before school starts, about 15 people come and pray for our school and for Jesus to use us for his glory. God has been teaching me the power of prayer and how it draws christians closer to one another. When we pray for each other, we grow closer to God and our peers. I give all the glory to Jesus, it is by him I am able to do these things. Keep praying.


a u b r e y said...

thats great aaron. im glad god is moving so fast in your school, and you are willing to answer his call. keep up the good work!

Liberty said...

That is amazing how God is working in your school and in the lives of your classmates! Just goes to show that God can do miracles through us if we're willing to obey Him!

Peas on Earth said...

Praying for you as the trip draws nearer! God bless you Aaron. I pray that as you are ministering there, your own life will be transformed in a way you could never have imagined. Can't wait to hear all about it!