Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Drama training....and more of it

So this morning I woke up at 6:22. Yes, it's random, but the sun was shining right through the window. My roommates are pretty much awesome. (Hannah, Liz, Megan, and Mandie)
After getting ready,we soon went down to breakfast, had a team meeting, and at 8:30 started drama training. Just finished for a quick break at 11:45 and ate Subway. It was delicious. Now I'm getting ready to go to Language training, to learn a few phrases for Guatemala.

Yesterday's smoothie hunt with Dani and Tim included a trip to Publix, (and some funny pictures), and a stop at the pet store...which we will never again do...it's impossible to get Tim out! C:
(a few of the many....)

So that's all I really have to post about. Jamie Jam worship last night was a blast. It's amazing to be surrounded with so many other teens my age that all have the same passion for Christ AND the same mission.
I get to meet Luis next wednesday, so I'm getting excited for that. We leave for Guatemala thursday. It's been cool to meet these people too. Miranda, Aaron, Danii, and Starr. Lots of others too. Getting close to my roomies, as well as my team.
I'll post again soon!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Aubrey is in Miami!!!

Hey guys it's Aubrey. Just wanted to give an update.
I'm in miami at the hotel. I arrived here about 1:00 this afternoon.
When I got to my gate in Atlanta, there were a few girls there that were going on the trip as well (it's kinda hard to miss those bright shirts!). One of the girls, Dani, is on my team!
Once we got to the Miami Airport, we hung out for a while, waiting on other flights to come in. Dani and I went to the food court to grab lunch, and split a Fruit Salad from CPK...yum.

There are so far about 100 students are here...more arriving every moment.
I've met some of my teammates and leaders. It's gonna be really cool to meet everyone.
Just having hangout time now. Dani, Tim, and I are about to go smoothie hunting. C:

FUAGNEM (fired up and going nuts every moment)is at 7, and dinner is delivered to our rooms at 6. (Team 10!!!!)
So... that's basically all I have to write about now. I'll post something as soon as more exciting things happen.

Thanks for the prayers, I arrived safely and on time,
Love to all.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

so isnt it just crazy how fast time can fly?
on how last february this whole process started?
and how this time last year i was going crazy making plates for a craft show?
and how a few months ago i was exuberant when i got my first newsletter?
and here we are...5 days away!
its awesome to see how far God has brought us. i can't believe it.
i just finished the long, tiring time of packing everything today. it was hard to fit all that stuff in there. but it worked, just a few more things to pack up and i'll be on my way to miami...
can't wait to just get there and meet everyone!
i'll try to update every few days!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

so here we are. the final few days before we go...its 25 days i think.
its kinda been a crazy past week or so...
i got my tshirt, the one that all 600 of us are wearing,
i got my costume assignment...i get to get stuff for a Kat, (yes spelled with a K)
i know who my team peoples are...as well as our team leaders.
and i gots about 130 bracelets!!
and i went shopping for my supplies, and i got most everything i need, and now have the problem of having no room for clothes...so yeah. i'll have to figure that out...i mean seriously, i have to pack a paint roller and pan, that takes up a bunch of room! its kinda crazy, but oh well.
only thing left is getting an outfit tomorrow for my sponsored child, which i think will be a lot of fun.
but anyways, thanks for the prayers, and support.